
Consultants, Clinical Registered Nurses and Advanced Practitioners for advanced medical diagnostic product. We are a medical diagnostic manufacturer of high level diagnostic equipment. We are seeking clinical consultants and clinical educators. Our units provide extensive diagnostic read outs. We are seeking multiple levels of clinical consultants for diagnostic testing process (RN's) to interpretation of diagnostic results (Advanced Practitioners). In addition, we are seeking clinical professionals as consultants in our development and marketing stages. We also need clinical educators and training tools and assessment.

Compensation paid on experience, level and area of work performed.

Part time, Contract, Medical Directors needed for relaying the results to testing physicians. Complex diagnostics and interpretation. Medical Directors will provide educational understanding of the complexity to the diagnostic results and treatment plans for new physicians purchasing our units.

Diagnostic units and systems are specific for cardiology and our flagship system is neurology based. These are extensive and advanced for general practitioners and education is required for GP/FP to understand results and treatment plan.

Licensed, inactive and retired licenses may apply to fill various needs.

Only registered members can apply for jobs.