If you are a webmaster or website owner you are probably already familiar with the acronym SEO for Search Engine Optimization. SEO determines the quality of a website, the number of visitors and the page rank. It is has the same meaning for websites in all industry sectors and is not a whole lot different for those in the medical and healthcare industry.

If you want to obtain a good page rank, an algorithm used by Google Search to rank websites, you will need to have a good number of regular visitors. In order to get regular visitors you need to have good content and your website must be ranked well in search engines. The power of SEO comes in this section. Therefore SEO or Search Engine Optimization can be defined as the process of optimizing your website for various Search Engines.

The SEO can be mainly categorized into two areas to be optimized:

  •  OFF – Page SEO
  •  ON – Page SEO



The OFF – Page SEO purely depends on your website performance, the number of available backlinks and your social network inclusions.

The best way to begin to see an improvement in this is by listing your website in various web directories, passing your site links to various social networking sites, writing guest posts for high authority sites and commenting on blogs related to your niche.


The ON-PAGE SEO certainly depends on the content in your article and the preferred keywords you choose. It is always under your control and it depends on how you act accordingly while writing a post. On-Page SEO is a real and absolute reason to be sure you only utilize high quality and relevant content. Sometimes we may consider adding content just for the sake of adding some sort of content. You should never utilize fluff content. Do it well or don’t do it at all.

Tips on SEO for those in the medical and healthcare industry.

(1)   Title / Page Title

Choose an eye-catching title so that the viewer has a tendency to check what it is about. Always make sure that your focused keyword is present in your main title and also in your H2, H3 titles.

Putting the keyword(s) at the beginning and also in the last sentence of your content can improve your Search engine ranking position to some extent.

(2)   Content 

Content is always the king, (queen?) – make sure that you are publishing high quality, unique and relevant content. If you are having any doubt regarding the uniqueness, check your content using a plagiarism checker. Branding Medical and Healthcare websites with content  can provide you a competitive edge.

Content should be a minimum of 500 words and you should try to split your content into small paragraphs; it helps to improve the flow of your article.

Make sure your articles are filled with sufficient headings and sub-headings and don’t forget to bold or underline the important phrases and sentences. Establishing and utilizing a Content Template for Medical and Healthcare websites can be of great value when developing your content.

(3)   Keyword Density or Keyword Ratio

Choose a keyword that best describes your article. Make sure that you use the keyword in your article heading and in one or two subheadings.

For a better SEO your content must have a minimum of 500 words and your keyword ratio must be less than 5%.

Let’s makes sure you understand what keyword ratio is; keyword ratio is the ratio of the number of times your keyword is found in your article to the total number of words in your article.

For example: if your keyword is found 5 times in a 500 words article, your keyword ratio is 1%.

(4)   Meta Description & Meta Keywords

The two places the Search engine spiders check while in a search are your Meta description and your title. (Some will argue this of late, but playing it safe and covering this can’t hurt, if done right.)

Make sure your keyword is present in your Meta description. In some cases you won’t have your keyword in the first two lines of your article. Don’t worry, you can choose the best words to describe your content from any other part of your article.

The Meta Description is always shown in search results and putting the best can increase your click rate for a particular article. (Remember, when someone searching for information receives your article in their search results, they may “click” to check it out. Make sure your content is really good to keep them on your website!)

Some search engines still check your Meta keywords while searching, so try to add the Meta keywords also, it may help you additionally.

(5)   Links

Don’t forget to take good care of the incoming and outgoing links from your article. For better SEO, it is said that an inbound link (Link to your website content itself) should be present in every 120 words of your article.

Try to link to your interior pages of your website, so the search engine spiders can easily examine your site structure, thereby making the indexing faster.

Make sure that your outbound links (Links from your site to an external site) are non- follow. It can be easily done by placing the rel=nofollow attribute inside the link.

When linking out, always make sure that you link to a good neighborhood. Linking to bad sites or getting links from bad sites can decrease your site rankings and also affect your website reputation.


Always keep in mind that the content in your article is the most important aspect. Try some keyword research before choosing your keywords, better keywords results in better rankings in searches.

Try these tips to make your On- Page SEO score to 100%, so that you will able to gain a good search engine ranking.

Happy Networking!



This article was written by A.J. in collaboration with a team member at MedCepts and is protected by Copyright of MedCepts. A.J. is a passionate blogger and is interested in writing articles related to Gadgets, Software, SEO and the latest advancements in Science & Technology. This article first appeared on MedCepts in January 2013 and has been recently updated.