Independent Sales Representatives Play an important role in New Product Development

The role of an Independent Sales Representative in New Product Development Independent Sales representatives have a strong entrepreneurial spirit and can often have an important role in developing new products, exploring product competition and collecting other sales or marketing data for a company planning to develop a new product. An ongoing plan to develop new [...]


Latest Compensation Trends for Pharmaceutical and Device Reps

Pay Per Call Value of Pharmaceutical Field Reps ranges between $20 – $57 with 75% below $40 per call and above $25 a call. The latest compensation trends for pharmaceutical sales reps - are pharma reps really making as much as the general public might think? We surveyed over 1,000 medical sales reps and we’ve taken [...]


Income Earned by Independent Sales Reps Selling Multiple Products – 2014 Report

Manufacturer -  Distributor - Independent Sales Rep 2014 Income Earned selling Multiple Products and Healthcare / Medical related Services (Mixed Bag) reporting earning the highest income in 2014 at $268,000 for those with over 20 years medical sales experience as an Independent. Over  5,000 independent medical sales representatives, distributors and team leaders (managers) of independent [...]


Capital Equipment Sales Income Report for Independent Sales Reps, Distributors and Team leaders (Managers of rep groups)

Manufacturer -  Distributor - Independent Sales Rep 2014 Income Earned selling Medical Capital Equipment Capital Equipment Sales Income Report for Independent Sales Reps, Distributors and Team leaders (Managers of rep groups). Manufacturer -  Distributor - Independent Sales Rep 2014 Income Earned Over  5,000 independent medical sales representatives, distributors and team leaders (managers) of independent rep [...]


Traffic Results

A New report (July 2014) from outside sources shows traffic each day is generating 15,525 page views from over 3,000 visitors A DAY with over 96,000 visits a month! Yeah to the driving forces of our Network Members for your support!!  Below is a different source reflecting daily unique visitors and daily pageviews. (Unique visitors means they are [...]


Contract Sales for Independent Sales Reps, Manufacturer Sales Reps & Independent Consultants

Contract Sales and Contract Job Opportunities for Independent Sales Reps, Manufacturer Sales Reps & Independent Consultants. Our team has built the largest network exclusively to the medical and healthcare industry since 1999 growing exponentially with the Growth Trend of Independent Consultants. We assist behind the scenes or on the front line for pharmaceutical, medical device, biotech [...]


Independent Sales Rep Network

MedCepts is the LARGEST online source for high paying, creative compensation packages offered by companies around the world for Independent Sales Rep jobs in the medical sales and healthcare related industry. MedCepts is THE Largest, THE Longest Lived, THE Most Active and THE Only Medical Network exclusive to Independent Sales Reps, Independent Contractors, Medical Product [...]

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