Physician Inventors – The Physician Entrepreneur

Innovations and inventions in the field of medicine have revolutionized the healthcare delivery system. Naturally, crucial to this advancement is the physician. Physicians are constantly at the forefront of battle with disease and disability. Because of this, there is no other profession more knowledgeable than a physician on what the patient needs and deserves. The [...]


Independent Contractor and Physician Entrepreneurs: Expanding the Role of Physicians Beyond Clinical Practice

From global events to industry specific affairs, there is an ever expanding role for physicians to fill. Within the confines of medical related industries alone, there is a huge potential for a physician consultant.  in medical device or product conception and development, written and verbal communication and information dissemination, even marketing and distribution. As such, [...]


The Independent Physician Entrepreneur – Branding and Social Media

The Independent Physician Entrepreneur in social media There are numerous aspects to consider when we think about a Physician as an Entrepreneur.  This includes expanding the role of physicians beyond the clinical practice. The Physician inventor, the independent physician consultant, the physician in research consulting and let’s not forget, the physician in a medical practice, [...]


Recruiting Nurse Clinicians as Pharmaceutical or Medical Device Sales Reps and Consultants

Recruiting Nurses in Medical Sales, from the perspective of a nurse. Nurses in medical sales offers the clinical eye. Strategic selection or recruitment may be comparable to employing the "clinical eye" in targeting a globally suitable pharmaceutical or medical device sales force and specialty niche consultants. With the evolving roles and wealth of benefits associated [...]


An increase in Hiring of Independents in the Medical industry

The growth trend continues to rise for the hiring of high-quality independent consultants and top-level independent sales representatives, with employers in actual bidding wars to hire independents in an attempt to transition the independent consultants back to an employee capacity. The Great Depression in 2008 and 2009 brought to us a serious change in the [...]


Benefits of being a Freelance Agent, Nurse Perspective

Taking the leap from critical bedside care to entrepreneurial freedom as a freelance agent is a success story in its own. This milestone brings with it limitless benefits that can dramatically alter an individual’s mindset and career path. From that point of embracing change and practicing as a freelance agent, the world (as I know [...]


Tips to improve Independent Distributor Sales

Independent Distributors market and distribute products receiving compensation based on sales results – a fair profit on products sold. Often companies seek out successful medical product distributors. These distributors may do well initially but companies seek more sales. There are various ways for companies to help increase Distributor sales of their specific products. Sales terms [...]


Medical Sales Market Trend – Investment in StartUps by Body Parts

Market Trends for Medical Sales Reps, Distributors, Medical Product Manufacturers, and Start-Up Companies Following the Emerging Healthcare Market will influence the potential of your success as an independent consultant, independent sales rep, and independent healthcare provider. The healthcare and medical sales market trend is influenced by a number of demographic and market-related trends including the [...]


Hospital Sales – Selling into Hospitals

Understanding the Hospital Sales Process The landscape of Selling into Hospitals is ever-changing. Over the years selling for most sales industries has changed relatively little compared to how selling to hospitals has changed. The good old days of Hospital Sales reps carrying a bag of "promotional goodies" are pretty much over. Sales into hospitals must [...]

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